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A normal set of compound bowstrings will be either a bow string and cable for a single cam bow or a bow string and 2 cables for dual or hybrid cam bows. This was my first time changing my own string set every thing was to factory spec. I shot it about 30 times to settle every thing in and installed my peep. I now have about shots on it now and nothing has moved.
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Sold - RedHead Toxik Compound Bow | Carolina Shooters Club

Remember Me? By logging into your account, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy , and to the use of cookies as described therein. Forgot Password? Members List. Mark Forums Read. Bowhunting Gear Review Broadheads, arrows, rests, bows, and more Redhead Bows.
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Redhead Toxik (Diamond) for sale

Parallel limb technology loads the bow with optimum power, for forgiveness and accuracy you'll appreciate as your arrow nails the bull's-eye. It all adds up to a precision hunting machine, at a price that will make you a happy archer. Rotating cam module for no-press draw-length adjustments from Axle-to-axle: 32''.
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Help Remember Me? Results 1 to 9 of 9. Thread: Redhead Toxik. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Redhead Toxik Just curious if anybody has this bow or not, And was wondering what they thought about it, or what anybody else thinks about it.
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