Since some in our office are gun shy about the topic e. No big deal. I got this junk. Being a medical doctor means being so used to penises and vaginas, to me they are interchangeable with any body part, from brain to anus.
These 10 Objects Removed From Penises Will Make You Hurt
Urethral intercourse - Wikipedia
My first time witnessing a man have something crammed into his dick hole involved an extreme fetish video called Two Kids, One Sandbox. The video, which is no longer than a few seconds, shows a woman viciously stuffing a dildo or vibrator? Many years later, the thought of this video and the thought of shoving something into my own dick hole continues to make me squirm in horror. In an attempt to understand this extreme fetish and the community of people who engage in urethral play also extremely NSFW!
Generally an activity for the more experienced sexual adventurer, sounding is the act of sliding a very well lubricated rod down the urethra — the bit of your anatomy that you pee out of — for pleasure. And yes, women do it too. This is made simpler for men by the fact that the entrance is obvious and the internal tube is straighter and longer. As with most sex play, there are two main reasons to explore urethral sounding — for the physical benefits and also for the psychological turn on. The urethra is lined with super-sensitive nerve endings, which can be extremely pleasurable when stimulated.
Male readers of the internet crossed their legs and let out a unified grimace of pain when a story made the rounds about a year-old Australian man who got a fork lodged in his dong. While plenty of people who read the report or even worse, saw the pictures had no idea why a person would try to shove anything—especially a rouge piece of cutlery—up his pee slit, those of us who frequent the kinkier side of life know this is a fairly common practice known as "sounding. If you really want an education, search for the term on XTube NSFW, idiot , and revel in a variety of videos featuring guys putting all sorts of junk into their junk. Yeah, it's not really my bag, either. But not everyone is going around putting forks or pencils or other household items up there all willy nilly.