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The Frisky -- A reader wrote in asking me why most men are "fascinated" with redheads. In this instance, I think "fascinated" is a nice way of saying "obsessed. She's asked these men why they are so drawn to the crimson-haired, and the best she ever got out of them was "Redheads iz just hawt, yo! I wouldn't say most men love redheads.
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Why are some men drawn to redheads?

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Redheads: 8 crazy things people have believed about gingers | Metro News

Gingers have it pretty tough sometimes. They have done for centuries to be fair. Long before South Park said that gingers have no souls they were persecuted for their red hair. Jesus Christ's betrayer Judas was often portrayed in medieval paintings as a redhead, and the Christian scholar St Jerome once wrote a letter about raising daughters that said: "Do not dye her hair red and thereby presage for her the fires of hell. It was also seen as an indicator of witchcraft or general untrustworthiness, while some people throughout history believed that the fat of a red haired man could be used to make poison, or the blood of a ginger to turn copper to gold, which is bizarre to say the least. Anyway, we obviously know that this nonsense is not true in this day and age, but gingers still have it tough in today's society too. A few years back some kids in America were beaten and bloodied after students at one school decided to observe 'Kick A Ginger Kid' day.
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8 of the craziest things people have believed about gingers

Throughout history, redheads have been feared and revered, loathed and adored, degraded and exalted. No other single human trait has provoked such a dichotomy of emotions in such a large number of fellow humans. It is as boiling is to freezing or despair is to hope. It is as hate is to love. There are degrees of reddishness when referring to hair, including ginger, auburn reddish brown , and strawberry blonde.
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Get 5 images for free. Red-haired man kisses a woman on the top of her head, a boy in a sweater soothes and comforts a girl with long dark thick hair. Royalty-Free Stock Photo.
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