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Are you a redhead? Are you one of those special people whose hair ranges from pale strawberry blonde, through fiery red, to light auburn and chestnut? However, following the importation of oranges, the color orange was adopted, but too late for redheads! Even if neither of them has red hair themselves, there is still a one in four probability of them producing a lovely little redhead. Red hair appears in all races, even in African and Chinese people. The biggest population of gingers is in Northern Europe, particularly among people of Celtic origin.
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Cultivate Joy: Be Nice, Forgive Yourself - The Fiery Redhead Blog

Frankly, I was in the mire of a different sort altogether. I came upon her Facebook page recently and thought that might a good way to keep up with her recent writing and such. Maybe it was me not liking the truth she was telling… But I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the lessons it imparted upon me. All of us in different stages on our creative paths and lives.
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79 Fire Nicknames for Redheads

The Frisky -- A reader wrote in asking me why most men are "fascinated" with redheads. In this instance, I think "fascinated" is a nice way of saying "obsessed. She's asked these men why they are so drawn to the crimson-haired, and the best she ever got out of them was "Redheads iz just hawt, yo!
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So March is glorious, brilliant bloggers with red hair. Her wild copper curls are as much a part of her outfit as her fantastic layering and use of interesting textures. Athina… where do I start?
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