On the top half next page, Mai says that the Star Chips are a token of her appreciation, and Yugi accepts them. Pride should not be valued above the things we hold precious. The narrative of the anime has made the somewhat strange decision to agree with Anzu that she is somehow responsible for Yugi taking back control and losing the duel, as discussed at the end of the previous episode. He stares despondently into space. This is a massive departure from his manga characterization.
Heating with wood pellets offers distinct advantages over conventional fossil heating fuels and other forms of wood burning. The graph to the right shows the actual cost to heat an average 2, square foot home, comparing wood pellets to heating oil and propane. Pellet fuels are a low carbon fuel that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2 when used to displace fossil fuels such as heating oil, natural gas, or propane.
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