You and your vag have been through a lot together: Your first tampon, your first relationship, your first orgasm. But how much do you actually know about her? Well, it's time to get reacquainted with your homegirl's fun quirks. Let's do this!
Does lots of sex change a vagina's size and the labia's color? Reddit answers.
It only takes one glance at the badwomensanatomy subreddit to realise that plenty of adults still believe that your labia are less like body parts and more like elastic bands that lose their give with more use, becoming longer each time. These same adults may also believe that your vaginal canal can become wider or looser with more use. Does it have something to with the type of vulvas we see in porn? Enough to know that this theory is complete bollocks, and is best left in our teen years along with those porno mags that someone mysteriously found in the woods. Jennifer Dhingra.
Getting Freaky: Do your labia get longer the more sex you have?
The vagina and the external structures of the vulva naturally range in shape, color, and size. When it comes to anything related to bodies and sexual and reproductive health, most people wonder, "Am I normal? This article describes different types of vagina. We also discuss when to see a doctor based on the appearance of the vagina and factors such as discharge. Most studies reveal that vaginas share a general shape, but that there are many variations in length and width.
Vaginas — or more accurately, vulvas, and all their components — come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. They even have different smells. And unless your normal involves pain or discomfort , everything is likely fine. Still unsure? Take a look at these pictures of real labia to get a sense of how varied they can really be, and read on to learn more about their overall appearance.