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Here, ten women describe their hottest sexual fantasy scenario. I'm both an exhibitionist and a voyeur so I've always been turned on by the idea of people watching me submit, and I'm a trans lesbian myself so of course it has to be a damn near shameful, sinful encounter. It could be in a park or an Applebee's for all I care. You can get cute costumes and act out different scenarios.
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Here's What Women Fantasize About The Most

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10 Common Sexual Fantasies - What Do Women Fantasize About

Here, thanks to recent studies , research , and well, ladies just sharing their brilliant insight , are 25 of the most common fantasies women have. Both giving and receiving head came up as a top fantasy in one study. Meanwhile, receiving oral might make you feel like a pampered queen in her throne or a thoroughly ravaged snack. The thrill of sex in a public or semi-public place has long been a popular fantasy: dark alleys, public bathrooms, and movie theaters are common choices. The thrill of getting caught is one commonly cited reason, as is a general interest in exhibitionism. A word of warning: Having sex out in the open can be a risky endeavor for both your criminal record and for the wellbeing of passersby, so it might be better left a fantasy. You can be perfectly happy with your partner and still find something electrically exciting about the idea of cheating on them.
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10 Women on Their Hottest Sexual Fantasy

What do women think about when they have sex, and why? We estimate that the actual number is probably a lot higher. This is not a new insight.
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Sharing personal information brings people closer together. Verified by Psychology Today. Slightly Blighty. A team of psychologists led by a woman has uncovered some surprising findings on one of the most secret aspects of female sexual fantasy. To be sexually aroused by such an imagined scenario represents a psychological mystery.
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