All marriages go through ups and downs and highs and lows. After all, living with another person, meshing your lives together, is not always easy, no matter how much you love one another. Particularly when you have children, you can get so busy with their activities, your work, and keeping the household running, that you may miss the signs that tell you your spouse is not just in a lull, but has truly checked out of the marriage. In fact, according to many marriage counselors , by the time a couple makes it to therapy, one of them—usually the husband—has already emotionally divorced himself from the marriage. With the advent of smartphones, it is hardly unusual to see a couple together, having dinner or otherwise spending time together, yet both of them are totally engrossed in their phone.
Before you can post or reply in these forums, please join our online community. I need to tell her I am gay. How did anyone tell the wife? I have an amazing family who will support me and my wife but how did you tell?
My husband and I have been together almost four years now. We have a new baby girl with wispy blond hair and big, steely blue eyes. Everyone tells me how much she looks like her father. Four years together, and little of that time with him sober.
Straight spouses of gay or bisexual partners are sometimes the last to know about their mate's sexual orientation. These partners can be successful at hiding or denying their sexual orientation for many years. Sometimes infidelity is part of this pattern of secrecy or denial.