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Black Magic magazine, Volume three, Number two. Bitchcraft magazine, Volume three, Number one. During the course of researching this very sexy post, I came across this composed yet completely depraved letter that was written by a reader of girl-loving magazine Nymphet back in the March issue in response to an illustrated image of Anton LaVey and a nude woman. For a brief spurt about three or four years ago, voodoo, Satanism and the occult were getting a fair amount of play in magazines similar to your own.
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Photos From A Vintage Naked Satanic Ritual (NSFW) - Flashbak

The devil appears frequently as a character in works of literature and popular culture. In Christianity , the figure of the devil, Satan personifies evil. The devil is featured as a character in many musical representations from the Middle Ages to modern times. Hildegard of Bingen 's 11th-century Ordo Virtutum features him, as do several baroque oratorios by composers such as Carissimi and Alessandro Scarlatti.
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Photos From A Vintage Naked Satanic Ritual (NSFW)

Skip navigation! Formed in San Francisco in April by eccentric occultist Anton LaVey, the Church of Satan remains the only serious global Satanic religious movement, with thousands of members among its ranks. Many of these are women, who claim Satanism has allowed them to become complete individuals.
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Dig it freaks! Waaay bad juju is going down in the quiet suburban streets of downtown Squaresville. While neighbours sleep, a group of hot mamas —butt naked except for short shoulder cloaks, masks and stockings—escort what looks like a bride—a woman in white—into a dimly lit basement. They move slowly, trance-like, carrying long tapered candles in front of them. Against the far wall, an altar where some bearded Daddio—dressed-up as Lucifer—and his old lady—a sassy Astarte—are waiting for them.
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