Freaks and Geeks is an American teen comedy-drama television series created by Paul Feig and executive-produced by Judd Apatow that aired on NBC during the — television season. The show follows gifted high schooler Lindsay Weir, who befriends a gang of slacker "freaks", and her younger brother Sam, as he and his geek friends navigate high school. Eighteen episodes were completed, but the series was canceled after only 12 had aired. The series has appeared in numerous lists of the greatest television shows of all time, including lists by Time , Entertainment Weekly and TV Guide. The Weir parents, Harold and Jean, are featured in every episode.
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This database was created in and has been developed and curated by Barbara Flueckiger , professor at the Department of Film Studies, University of Zurich to provide comprehensive information about historical film color processes invented since the end of the 19th century including specific still photography color technologies that were their conceptual predecessors. In the University of Zurich and the Swiss National Science Foundation awarded additional funding for the elaboration of this web resource. In addition, the Institute for the Performing Arts and Film, Zurich University of the Arts provided a major contribution to the development of the database. Many further persons and institutions have supported the project, see acknowledgements. All the members of the two research projects on film colors, both led by Barbara Flueckiger, have been capturing photographs of historical film prints since Please report errors or suggestions.
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Becky is one minute older than her twin sister Milly. This has however not reflected well into her personal life. Maddie and Esteban send London fake horoscopes to take advantage of her, which backfires when London finds out. She has a twin named Milly and other sisters Lola, Bianca and Georgina. He is very rich and they do not really like each other much.