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Skip to main content Press Enter. Home News Articles. Joint Color Guard stand in formation prior to the start of the Veterans Day. This exercise satisfies an annual requirement in accordance with Air Force Installation Exercise Requirements.
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Andersen Air Force Base > News > Articles

By Helen Pow. Pictures and calendars featuring half-naked women will be stripped from U. Air Force work spaces and public areas under a widespread inspection to stamp out sexual assault in the armed forces. Commanders and supervisors in all active, reserve and Air National Guard units have 10 days to complete the sweep for pin-up images or materials reminiscent of the all-male military from 20 or 30 years ago. Air Force chief General Mark Welsh said having a culture where such objectification of women is tolerated may be contributing to reports of sexual assault increasing to more than this year in the Air Force alone. Old-fashioned: Commanders in all active, reserve and Air National Guard units have 10 days to complete the sweep for pin-up images or materials reminiscent of the all-male military from 20 or 30 years ago stock photo. Welsh said he has received multiple complaints about images, jokes and comments that made women and some men uncomfortable.
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The U. A total of active-duty members took their lives during the year, including 57 Marines , 68 sailors, 58 airmen, and soldiers. The deaths equal the total number of active-duty personnel who died by suicide in , the record since the services began closely tracking the issue in Suicide continues to present a challenge to the Pentagon and the military services, which have instituted numerous programs to save lives, raise awareness and promote prevention. Marine Corps Commandant Gen.
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The video shows Manhart walking away with an American flag that Valdosta State students were stepping on during a demonstration against racism in the United States. As Manhart tried to leave with the flag, she got into a verbal altercation with one of the students, which was mediated by the police who told her to hand it over. When Manhart refused, officers put her hands behind her back, or tried to. After forcing her to the grass, police arrested her. As the Washington Post notes, the six and a half minute video hits a number of sensitive issues from race and police conduct, to war and freedom of expression.
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