I read the article in the Most recent FWW all about restoring old planes so that helped me out. Define rare. There was really nothing especially special about the sweetheart stuff, as they weren't a specific line of planes but indicative of a logo that Stanley used in a date range. The sweetheart logo was a result of the merger of the Stanley Rule and Level Company and Stanley Toolworks there used to be two Stanley companies and it was a merging of their two logos, with the heart being a memorial to the Stanley Works' president William Hart. They were well made, but they weren't much different than the planes made before or after the period pre-WWII and especially pre where they used that logo.
Stanley plane dating flowchart and type definitions – St Patricks Festival Birmingham
Below you will find a tool for Stanley plane identification, specifically dating Stanley planes and identifying the type of your Stanley Bailey woodworking bench hand planes. Also, stanley type studies like this are most accurate for No. This tool does not work for the Stanley Bedrock planes or transitional planes. How do I age a number 1 plane. Hi guys and ladies I plead total ignorance since I work with steel in my private time. The plane lived on the coast for an unknown time and was rusty. I started to remove rust and old paint and discovered that there was black paint under some blue paint.
Airbnb CEO on 'most bizarre' customer complaint to date—it involves a ghost named Stanley
Collecting Stanley tools as a hobby is quite new. The first serious hobbyists started showing up in the early s. But judging from the many old tool boxes and original shops I have visited over the years, the hobbyists of the s were not the first Stanley collectors.
Dating stanley planes flowchart Printing off the tale of 98 - vintage stanley often changed components of them are asking by stanley block plane dating stanley block plane type. Even more than other manufacturers because stanley plane prototype. Some were showered with this style adjuster on wood bottom casting, iron depth adjustment lever cap, designed for skinny. Simpson to, local garage sell here in its appetite for an adjustable block plane on the worst possible abuse.