A Florida man made the news recently after he called the Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office and requested a deputy oversee him while he spanked his year-old daughter with a paddle. The father, Dale Garcia, wanted to discipline his daughter with a spanking after she'd fought with her sister, according to a police report of the incident, which occurred on Dec. Garcia called the sheriff's office to ask if it was within his rights and they sent a deputy to his residence. The deputy arrived at the residence and confirmed that it was legal to discipline a child with a spanking.
23 states still allow spanking black and blue in schools
A Florida dad wanted to make sure that he stayed within the dictates of the law when it comes to corporal punishment so he called police to his home to supervise the paddling of his 12 year old daughter. According to a report , Dale Garcia had returned home to find his two daughters fighting with each other. He decided to spank one of the girls, however, she reportedly told her dad that he would be guilty of child abuse if he did so. Garcia decided to counter that by calling the Okeechobee Sheriff's Department and asking them to send over an officer to witness the spanking. An officer arrived a few minutes later and Garcia was advised that paddling is allowed as a form of discipline, but Garcia asked the policeman to supervise the spanking so that there would be no possible rebuttal from his daughter Garcia administered a total of 4 swats with a paddle and the matter was considered closed by the local police.
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A pro football player uses a switch on his child, and an American cultural divide between races, regions, and religions is exposed. October 19, Growing up in Orange County, in California, in the s, Ms.