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In the course of more than half a century, his quips, aphorisms, insults, and punch lines amounted to a self-portrait, airbrushed so as to highlight his favorite warts: Olympian detachment, patrician hauteur. It was an act, a put-on—perhaps the most effective double bluff in the history of literary P. Gore, the blind senator from Oklahoma, son of Gene Vidal, a high-school football star whose exploits as an aviation pioneer landed him on the cover of Time , he was born in , at West Point, grew up in Washington, D. A reporter bold enough to press the subject would be silenced with a reference to Freudian quackery. Yet he remained immune to the seductions of celebrity and clear-eyed about the workings of power.
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Tags Biographies U. One of the forces involved in the recent heating up of the perennial American-history wars was the brilliant critical and popular success, during the s and early s, of the first three books in Gore Vidal's six-volume 1 "American Chronicle" series of historical novels about the United States. Burr , , and Lincoln were enormous successes. They proved beyond any doubt that the public would not rise up in indignation and smite any author who dared to question the motives and the wisdom of even the most venerated American presidents. They proved that there was, in fact, a substantial market for just such skepticism about the glorious American past.