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Experimenting with someone of the same sex is thankfully less taboo than it's ever been. And according to a survey from the sex toy company Adam and Eve, 30 percent of women have done just that. And 19 percent of men surveyed said they've experimented with other men. In honor of Pride Month, we asked readers of all different sexual orientations about their first same-sex encounters.
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How to Impress a Girl on a First Date (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Dating can be a tricky business. What should you wear? Where should you meet? How much should you say? Who should pay? How soon after your date should you call?
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I'm Dating a Woman For The First Time. Here's What's Different

It doesn't matter if you have a ton of experience with guys or very little, dating someone of the same sex is a change. It's just a different thing, even if it is in the best way ever. And there are certain things that happen, and that you think when you start dating someone of the same sex for the first time. You stress about labels. You might wonder if you should call yourself something like bisexual, queer, or heteroflexible.
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The definitive answer so we never have to answer again: how the hell do you meet other girls who like girls? Hey anyone want a little girl-on-girl culture … in your pants? Hey are you a girl who likes girls? Do you want those girls to come over and maybe spend the night? Also; a cartoonist.
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