Facial blushing after pregnancy

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Why do I have bright red cheeks during pregnancy?

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Why do I have bright red cheeks during pregnancy? - ParentsCanada

Do you feel embarrassed when you drink because your face turns red? There are for two reasons alcohol can do this — and both are tied to your ethnicity. When you drink red wine, does your face mirror that ruby glow? Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. But recent studies report that those who get an alcohol flush because of an enzyme deficiency are also at heightened risk of digestive, liver and respiratory cancers.
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Why Can’t I Stop Blushing?

By Claire Bates. A beauty stylist who caught a virus whilst pregnant has made an emotional plea to other expectant mothers to watch out for symptoms of the disease. Simone Richardson, 25, lost her daughter Coco when she was just two-days-old after contracting 'slapped cheek syndrome.
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I was outside yesterday, but it was cool and there was no sun. Is this common throughout pregnancy? Could it be related to something else? Finally, the red cheeks may simply be part of a normal pregnancy.
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