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Matt Scott crashed over for what should have been the deciding play with two minutes and 10 seconds left on the clock, and it was almost time for the fat lady to sing. Instead, it was a fat streaker who almost decided proceedings. After hurdling the fence, the advertising hoardings and evading numerous security guards and the players, he ran 95 metres upfield. He fell flat on his face, a result of exhaustion and, presumably alcohol.
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The man allegedly performed a sex act in front of a female student. Detectives have launched an investigation after a "fat naked man with a small penis" performed a sex act in front of a student. Officers received a call from a distressed female who said a man "with testicles that hang noticeably low" had performed a sex act on himself in front of her on Sunday afternoon in York. North Yorkshire Police say they are attempting to locate the man, who is believed to be aged between 35 and 45 and described as being of "fat build". The female described her attacker as of a "very pale complexion" and the force say police patrols have been stepped up in Hull Road following the mid-afternoon incident.
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Streaking is the act of running naked through a public place as a prank , a dare, for publicity or an act of protest. It is often associated with sporting events but can occur in more secluded areas. It usually involves running quickly which also reflects the original meaning of the word before it became associated with nudity. Streakers are often pursued by sporting officials or by the police. In some instances, streakers are not fully nude, instead wearing minimal clothing.
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Yes, avoiding hard edges is excellent advice! And I totally am with you on the bruise thing. I fell hard on my hip on a rock and the beach last summer, and ended up with a simply spectacular bruise that I watched with great interest for a couple of weeks.
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