But what of the mythical history of this meme? Finally, someone has a few answers. Phil Edwards isn't the first guy to plumb America's golden stream of folklore for insights into the peeing-Calvin meme, but he's certainly the most intrepid. His new online account of the decal trend offers us some tantalizing background. Here are the vital details:. He's since corrected the record in the comments below , but we'll keep the graf for transparency's sake.
Calvin - Pee On Ford Sticker | Worldwide Post | Range Of Sticker Colours
For internal or external applications. This decal can be applied to any smooth, non-porous, clean surface. Stick it on your car windows or body, on your bike or helmet, the boat, kid's walls, toybox, cupboard, school books, mirror, fridge. The options are endless. If sticking to a window, it is recommended to order the decal in light colour, as light colours are the most visible. Decal has clear application tape already applied ready to install. Decal comes shrink wrapped and includes detailed instruction sheet.
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Most decals can be made in any color you want. Have the little guy or girl, dog, etc. You get to pick what you want the decal to say. Available in several sizes, colors and designs.