It's finally here: P6s' very own 3D clitoris! Here it is chilling in the leafs? Drop by the P6 office to say hi! Skip navigation! Story from Sex School. Cory Stieg.
The Still-Misunderstood Shape of the Clitoris - The Atlantic
Powered by Shopify. Wade, before women could take out their own credit cards or bank loans, before sexual harassment was ever defined in a court of law — women began to attend feminist consciousness-raising groups. Thinking back now about what looking at their own genitals meant to women in that cultural context is remarkable. Most of those women had never seen their own bodies before by themselves, let alone in a group of other women. Looking at themselves in that way challenged intense, long-held taboos around impropriety, self-sovereignty, and sexual ownership. Which leads us to ask: what is it about the claiming of the female sex organ by the person to whom it belongs that makes everybody so damn uncomfortable?
What exactly IS a vagina? It's a surprisingly commong question, and one a good old vagina diagram can sure help out. You might think you've got it all down pat down there, but we use a lot of code words to talk about it, and we use the technical word itself in the wrong way — after all, it's not entirely accurate to call the extended network between your legs just the "vagina.
The projection of vagina, uterine cervix, and nipple to the sensory cortex in humans has not been reported. To map the sensory cortical fields of the clitoris, vagina, cervix and nipple, toward an elucidation of the neural systems underlying sexual response. Using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging fMRI we mapped sensory cortical responses to clitoral, vaginal, cervical, and nipple self-stimulation. For points of reference on the homunculus, we also mapped responses to the thumb and great toe hallux stimulation.