Yesterday, pictures of women posing naked were stolen from their phones and posted on image sharing forum 4chan by an anonymous hacker, supposedly in exchange for Bitcoins. He claims he has more to come. The photos are intensely private, taken in intimate situations by trusted partners, and have now been shared millions of times, viewed by hordes of salivating strangers across the globe. Because the images are of celebrities.
Teen prosecuted as adult for having naked images – of himself – on phone
Children Without Clothes: When Do They Need a Fig Leaf? - The New York Times
With amused contempt for people who think nude models are wanton, Helen Gaskin follows her unusual career of inspiring young artists. When she first went to Toronto from more sophisticated Montreal just under two years ago she was frank about her job. Nowadays she is more evasive. She has found that the average Torontonian reacts to a life model in two sharp ways: the men leer and come closer; the women tilt their noses and back away. One landlady took her in without investigation, discovered her semisecret, then pointed sternly to the garden gate.
A teenage boy in North Carolina has been prosecuted for having nude pictures of himself on his own mobile phone. The young man, who is now 17 but was 16 at the time the photos were discovered, had to strike a plea deal to avoid potentially going to jail and being registered as a sex offender. Experts condemned the case as ludicrous. The boy was, however, punished by the courts, and had to agree to be subject to warrantless searches by law enforcement for a year, in addition to other penalties.
After school, he likes to take off his pants, recline on his stuffed animal chair and watch an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants while snacking on cheese-flavored crackers. Nicola, 44, said affectionately. Alex asked his sister and her friend to paint his fingernails and then suggested a fleshier canvas. Put nail polish on my bottom!