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Hemolytic anemia is a form of anemia due to hemolysis , the abnormal breakdown of red blood cells RBCs , either in the blood vessels intravascular hemolysis or elsewhere in the human body extravascular, but usually in the spleen. It has numerous possible consequences, ranging from relatively harmless to life-threatening. The general classification of hemolytic anemia is either inherited or acquired. Treatment depends on the cause and nature of the breakdown. Symptoms of hemolytic anemia are similar to other forms of anemia fatigue and shortness of breath , but in addition, the breakdown of red cells leads to jaundice and increases the risk of particular long-term complications, such as gallstones [1] and pulmonary hypertension.
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Hemolytic anemia - Wikipedia

Red blood cells develop in the bone marrow, which is the sponge-like tissue inside your bones. Your body normally destroys old or faulty red blood cells in the spleen or other parts of your body through a process called hemolysis. Hemolytic anemia occurs when you have a low number of red blood cells due to too much hemolysis in the body. There are many types of hemolytic anemia, which doctors diagnose based on the underlying cause of your anemia. Certain conditions can cause hemolysis to happen too fast or too often. Conditions that may lead to hemolytic anemia include inherited blood disorders such as sickle cell disease or thalassemia , autoimmune disorders, bone marrow failure, or infections. Some medicines or side effects to blood transfusions may cause hemolytic anemia.
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Hemolytic Anemia

Red blood cells have the important mission of carrying oxygen from your lungs to your heart and throughout your entire body. Your bone marrow is responsible for making these red blood cells. Hemolytic anemia can be extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic hemolytic anemia develops by several methods, such as when the spleen traps and destroys healthy red blood cells, or an autoimmune reaction occurs. It can also come from red blood cell destruction due to:.
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Anemia is when the number of red blood cells in the body gets too low. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin , a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body. Without enough red blood cells, oxygen doesn't get to the body's organs. Without enough oxygen, the organs can't work normally.
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