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Madonna's not the only one sharing photos of tattoos designs in delicate places! For instance, when she shares a photo of a vagina tattoo on Instagram a Nike swoosh, as if to say "just do it" to get people psyched about taking down Trump. Technically it wasn't on a vagina, but rather on the pubic area just above a vulva which are the external parts of a woman's genitals , but you catch my drift. Madonna has yet to confirm to that the tattoo — or is it a pubic hair design? Let's be real here.
9 Vagina Tattoos You Were Not Expecting (But Are Going To Love)
Let's talk about vagina tattoos. Don't you think? I think. Do not click.
Arguably, a tattoo on your vagina would be worse because at least a tattoo of a vagina could be somewhere pretty innocuous on your body and it could also be very tasteful and perhaps even representative of the feminist movement in one way or another, maybe. Or it could just be a dodgy tattoo of a vagina that you hated and absolutely want to get rid of but sure look, who can say for sure? So, in order to sort out her fairly dismal vagina tattoo, Holly decided to appear on E4's popular Tattoo Fixers show. Though in fairness to Holly, she did acquire a tattoo gun when she was years-old, get her mate to do the tattoo, and