Hosting a party or get-together of couples who are close to each other? Then truth or dare is one game you should play for couples to know more about each other and have fun too. You may also play this with your partner on a weekend or when both are spending time in privacy. This will encourage your partner to tell you more about themselves and vice versa. MomJunction has come up with a long list of truth or dare questions for couples.
+ Embarrassing Truth or Dare Questions to Ask Your Friends | HobbyLark
No matter if the player chooses truth or dare, there are lots of ways to have fun with this game. What is the first thing you would do if you were to wake up as the opposite sex? Have you ever let someone else get in trouble for something that you did? Have you ever cheated on anyone that you were with romantically? What happened on your most awkward date?
Truth or dare is the classic party game of embarrassment. When someone chooses truth, they must answer the question truthfully regardless of how embarrassing it is. When someone chooses dare, they are given a task to complete. You cannot dare someone to answer a question.
My name is Tatiana, but my friends and family call me Tutta. I like writing articles that help bring people closer together. The rules are simple! To keep the game fun, make sure your truth questions deal with a sore topic that could embarrass them, and make sure the dares don't send anyone to the emergency room or jail! They will cover everything from crushes and dirty secrets to school and friendships.