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Ne-Yo - Miss Independent - Listen on Deezer

Log dich ein um diese Funktion zu nutzen. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah Ooh it's somethin' about Just somethin' about the way she move I can't figure it out It's somethin' about her Said ooh it's somethin' about Kind of woman that want you, but don't need you Hey, I can't figure it out It's somethin' about her 'Cause she walk like a boss Talk like a boss Manicured nails to set the pedicure off She's fly effortlessly And she move like a boss Do what a boss do She got me thinkin' about gettin' involved That's the kind of girl I need, oh. Fehlerhaften Songtext melden. Songtext kommentieren. E-Mail Adresse. Website optional.
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Miss Independent

It is the second single from his album Year of the Gentleman and was produced by Stargate. It was released as a music download on August 26, and physical release on September 2, It begins with Ne-Yo as a corporate boss walking to his office through his employee's office. As he walks by, various office workers played by various singers say good morning to Ne-Yo, who is enjoying the sight of all the women.
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Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Ooh it's somethin' about Just somethin' about the way she move I can't figure it out It's somethin' about her Said ooh it's somethin' about Kind of woman that want you, but don't need you Hey, I can't figure it out It's somethin' about her 'Cause she walk like a boss Talk like a boss Manicured nails to set the pedicure off She's fly effortlessly And she move like a boss Do what a boss do She got me thinkin' about gettin' involved That's the kind of girl I need, oh She got her own thing That's why I love her Miss Independent Won't you come and spend a little time? She got her own thing That's why I love her Miss Independent Ooh the way we shine, Miss Independent, yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah, oh Ooh there's somethin' about Kind of woman that can do for herself I look at her and it makes me proud There's somethin' about her There's somethin' oh so sexy about Kind of woman that don't even need my help She said she got it, she got it, no doubt There's something about her 'Cause she work like a boss Play like a boss Car and a crib, she 'bout to pay 'em both off And her bills are paid on time She made for a boss Only a boss Anythin' less she tellin' them to get lost That's the girl that's on my mind She got her own thing That's why I love her Miss Independent Won't you come and spend a little time? She got her own thing That's why I love her Miss Independent Ooh the way we shine, Miss Independent yeah Mmm, her favorite thing to say "Don't worry I got it" Mmm, and everything she got Best believe she bought it Mmm, she gon' steal my heart Ain't no doubt about it Girl, you're everything I need Said you're everything I need Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah, oh! You will get 3 free months if you haven't already used an Apple Music free trial.
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