Any female character with more than two breasts. Term originated or at least popularised by The Funday Pawpet Show 's Simba, whose character Arthur Bronswager sings the parody song "Total Recallin'" which contains the line "The best part was the girl with three breasts. This is quite common in parts of the Furry Fandom , mainly due to this being Truth in Television for most mammals. It's worth noting that this is almost exclusively done with female breasts—you'll probably never see a male furry with more than two nipples unless he is transgender or intersex with breasts, or for other reasons we'd rather not elaborate on , even if he's in the same drawing as a female with more than two. If it's a male character with extra equipment, you've got a Triple Nipple. Community Showcase More.
Fibroadenoma is a common benign breast lesion and results from the excess proliferation of connective tissue. Fibroadenomas characteristically contain both stromal and epithelial cells. They usually occur in women between the ages of 10 and 40 years. It is the most common breast mass in the adolescent and young adult population 1,3. Their peak incidence is between 25 and 40 years. Incidence decreases after 40 years 4.
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Warm afternoon sunlight filtered through tall, dilapidated buildings. The air was sour with the scent of offal from nearby butchers and emptied chamber pots. Agnes stepped lightly around puddles on the dirty, uneven ground. She held a wicker basket against her hip and a dainty hand over her nose while praying for a cool breeze to move the stale air.