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The Best Male Masturbation Techniques: 10 Advanced Ways To Jerk Off

Jerking off. My thinking was since women buy books on how to make men cum, what if I could pick up those books and pick some tricks myself? After some serious study and practice, now I know how to achieve the most intense orgasms by myself AND can easily guide my girl to give me nice blow jobs. Contrary to popular beliefs with NoFap community and I've been there too , masturbation is healthy! Plus, there is also a mention of blowjob machines , toys that can give you the pleasure without you doing anything
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The Best Male Masturbation Techniques: 10 Advanced Ways To Jerk Off

I waded through countless forum discussions, poorly written books, podcast interviews, old texts on tantric spirituality, and whatever else I could get my hands on. How to bring the techniques from lasting longer in bed and having non-ejaculatory orgasms on your own into the bedroom, to drastically improve the fun, pleasure, and potential of any sex activity with a partner. The most important part of this is showing her how to keep you in a PNEO state, what to do when you get too close, and the physical signs of you being in a PNEO. She lies on her side and just uses the same strokes you showed her.
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Here are 8 ways straight from sex experts men can experience better and more intense orgasms. Is it possible for a woman to achieve multiple orgasms or are multiple orgasms just a myth? Most women are satisfied if they reach a single orgasm and experts say that a large percentage of women find it hard to reach that one orgasm per sexual encounter.
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