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Holly Willoughby and Fearne Cotton have gotten themselves in a tangle more than once on Celebrity Juice, but this is their fruitiest effort yet. All sounds simple right? Donning a fetching banana themed onesie each, the pair argue over who gets what end before the klaxon starts the timer. Mark Wright and Joel Dommett also have to face the challenge — and for reasons they decide to go topless for their try. Keith Lemon is back for another round of the saucy gameshow whose main aim is to make the celebrity participants look as stupid and feel as embarrassed as possible.
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The two hunks agreed to do the game topless and they clearly were happy to let their torsos out for other parts of the show. The boys opted to go topless in the game, where they must complete an assault course while sharing a banana in their mouths. Host Keith Lemon was clearly ecstatic at the prospect of these two hunks taking part in the game together, especially as they didn't have their shirts on to complete the tricky assault course. He said: "I'm flabbergasted - I almost couldn't speak when I was presented with the notion of you two doing this. Joel then said they weren't just topless, but Mark even offered to share his body lotion with the sexy comedian, which naturally Joel agreed to.
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