25 Things Nobody Tells You About Traveling While Fat
Skip navigation! Story from Movie Reviews. Anne Cohen. Tall Girl opens with a familiar sequence: A beautiful blue-eyed, blonde-haired girl peeks over the top of her book at an equally handsome classmate. A flirty conversation about A Confederacy of Dunces follows — next stop, the ask out. The boy panics, and leaves her in the lurch, as she sighs.
Guest Writer x Sep 26, This is the exact conversation I had with my sister during my senior year of high school as we walked around our neighborhood together. Meanwhile, I was meeting random guys from other schools on MySpace and hooking up with them in secret.
I was six the first time I remember sucking in my stomach. I soon learned, however, that holding in my breath was not a sustainable way to look skinnier. But I never felt thin enough.