No news flash here, but porn is devastating. Despite what mainstream society would try to lead you to believe, the research has been in for quite some time on this. Porn decimates authentic intimacy, leaving in its wake atrocious collateral damage. A husband and wife have way more sexual freedom than many people believe, and they can embrace such freedom while still keeping sex holy. Sex is meant to be holy and passionate; intimate and erotic; sacred and tantalizing. What makes something healthy sexual creativity in marriage rather than pornographic?
You Can Have HOT Sex in Marriage Without It Being Pornographic – Intimacy in Marriage
Christian sex is the union between a husband and wife within marriage. It entails the complete consummation of body, soul, and spirit as the couple fully becomes one. Money and sex tend to be the top two areas for marital strife. Of the two, sexual problems usually have a more devastating impact that can rock a marriage to its core. The sexual temperature within marriage, defined as the level of mutual sexual satisfaction, usually reflects the overall health of a marriage.
Christian Sex | Top 6 Steps to Fulfillment Within Marriage!
Many readers have written in to ask us about pornography. Is it acceptable for Christians to view adult entertainment? Our stance on pornography is directly informed by our position on sex and sexuality with regards to Christianity.
My wife, Ashley, and I were walking off stage at a marriage conference recently when a distraught woman came up to us. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she told us that she needed prayer and guidance. Through her sobs, she shared a tragically familiar story.