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Obviously the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the name Ray J is his infamous sex tape with Kim Kardashian. She gets two full hands on him and he has about 0. There is a picture on the internet holding a Blackberry Bold , which is 4. Definitely somewhere within the 2.
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It's hard to believe, but naked been a full decade since the Kim Kardashian sex tape made Paris Hilton's bestie a household name. You know how when a famous musician dies, unreleased music that was supposedly moldering in a vault somewhere keeps getting released 5, 10, even 20 years after they croak? Well, apparently for the past decade we've sister can i touch your bald pussy missing out on something much more important than patched-together Tupac singles. Over the past week or so, many celebrities have taken issue with the Kim Kardashian nude photos featured in Paper Magazine. But apparently the one thing Ms. It made Ray J a household name. It lined his pocket with millions of dollars.
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