It's probably something most guys have thought about at some point, but let's face it the thought of going under the knife is a scary one. But what if we told you there was a way to make your member look bigger without the pain or rather, fear of surgery down there. OK, so these won't actually make your penis physically bigger - it will just make it appear bigger. If you really want to add extra inches down there you should speak to a GP about the options available. It's also a good idea to speak to a counsellor about how you are feeling - often worries about penis size stem from deeper underlying self-esteem issues. The average penis size in the UK is between 3.
Penis Stretching: 5 Exercises for Length and Girth
It's common for a guy to wish his penis were bigger. But we have some good news for you, my dude: Research has shown that many men who worry about their manhoods are actually totally normal or average in size. This couldn't be more wrong. In fact, a study from concluded that a combination of deep kissing, genital stimulation, and oral sex are more likely to get a woman off—and none of those things require a man being well-endowed. The takeaway? Your penis is probably just fine as is.
The 3-step plan to make your manhood ‘BIGGER’ – according to the NHS
Just, you know, in case you're wondering. At BuzzFeed Health, we're all about helping you achieve your goals. So we decided to do some research about how you can actually do this. Even those penile extenders and stretchers that claim to work over time would actually just be stretching your flaccid length, and that has absolutely no correlation to how big you get when hard, says Fisch. This is not a trap.
If you're new here, you may want to get my discreet newsletter for men to learn how to make her sexually obsessed with you. Click here to get it. It's free. It's discreet. For thousands of years, a large penis has been associated with masculinity and virility, and today, thousands of men scour the web trying to learn how to get a bigger penis.