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The Dick Cavett Show - Hollywood Greats

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The Dick Cavett Show - Hollywood Greats by Dick Cavett | | DVD | Barnes & Noble®

Before talk shows disintegrated into the abrasive carnival side shows they have become in recent years, The Dick Cavett Show was on the air to demonstrate the power of the form. Inherently likable and equal parts enthusiastic and charming, Cavett persuaded some of the true legends of cinema to sit down opposite him for lengthy, spontaneous, and very often hilarious chats. There is no "pure shock value" tactic used on this talk show, so you will not see any paternity tests or kids being shipped off to boot camp for insolence that has become the hallmark of contemporary series that misuse their title of "talk show"; the dramatic sparks are provided courtesy of the legends that best represented Hollywood at the time the show was filmed between '70 and , and lived to tell the tale. In our time, the only other hosts who can get their hands on such talent of equal importance, think Larry King, Oprah Winfrey, David Letterman, and Jay Leno are rank, star-struck amateurs compared with Nebraska native and Yale grad Cavett. His special brand of easy-going, engaging banter and his clear love of his subjects represents the host all others should aspire to.
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The Dick Cavett Show: Hollywood Greats

Cavett often devoted entire episodes of his minute Seventies ABC late-night talk show to a single celebrity guest, asking the kind of catty questions that his viewing audience members might ask if they found themselves sitting next to Robert Mitchum after a couple of martinis "So, what is it like working on a chain gang? If he was occasionally cowed by a guest's reputation he played into Alfred Hitchcock's shopworn anecdotes like a trained lapdog , as often as not, his questions were fresh and tenacious: When a disheveled Marlon Brando responds to a cautious query about filming The Godfather with an evasive "I'd rather not talk about movies," Cavett slyly shoots back, "Oh. Did you like the book The Godfather? Delightful surprises abound in this 4-disc set: Mitchum getting progressively plastered on camera; a Goliathan Orson Welles, his head so large he threatens to swallow Cavett whole, recalling dining with a young Adolf Hitler; Bette Davis obligingly playing the Queen Bee; Fred Astaire still nimble on his feet at But the set's crown jewel is the legendary Hepburn; the actress became so at ease with her host that they taped a spontaneous second show on the spot included here.
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The Dick Cavett Show was the title of several talk shows hosted by Dick Cavett on various television networks , including:. Cavett taped his programs in New York City. ABC pressured Cavett to "get big names," although subsequent shows without them got higher ratings and more critical acclaim. A well received prime-time three show a week summer replacement series led to the memorable late-night talk show that ran from December 29, to January 1, opposite NBC 's The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Cavett took the time slot over from The Joey Bishop Show.
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