The first kiss my boyfriend and I shared as friends-who-now-know-they-like-each-other was nothing short of terrifying. I pulled him into what I thought would be a sweeping, spark-filled smooch and he just stood there, hardly moving. The rest of the date was even more catastrophic. We nervously drank too much and watched Sweet Home Alabama on his bed without looking at each other. I was convinced we had no chemistry and that I ruined a perfectly-great friendship.
Here are the benefits of being friends before dating someone - Insider
So why is it that the friends-to-lovers paradigm bears such perennial relevance? And does it work IRL? They found that, on average, the couples had known each other four months before dating. Plus, 40 per cent of them were friends beforehand.
Sorting Last Post on Top Message:. It's not necessary to be friends first. Sometimes you meet someone, they ask you out, you like what you see, you go. I agree, why wait? I think you should go for it.
Many people have different opinions about if you should be friends before dating or not. The beauty of starting off as friends is that you already know the other person. Usually, in the first stages of dating, you try to be as attractive as possible while simultaneously trying to get to know one another. This person already likes you for who you are, so now you just have to move forward with them. This gives you an advantage of knowing what and what not to do while in a relationship with them.