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Thanks for connecting! You're almost done. Connect to your existing Cracked account if you have one or create a new Cracked username. The moustache is a style that has sadly been relegated to antiquity: It is a quaint, often goofy relic that's looked upon with derision in the modern world, when it is looked upon at all. So of course, it's time for the insufferable hipsters to ironically bring it back. A moustache is supposed to be a courtesy; it's there to tell the world "there's something wrong with my face.
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Want to be taken seriously? Grow a moustache

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Please refresh the page and retry. D oes your doctor have a moustache? And, if so, does it make you trust him or her more than you otherwise would? At 21, I haven't yet reached an age where I can dress like a distinguished gent. But the moustache, a purely natural addition, is somehow exempt from these restrictions. Taxi drivers would ask me if I was over thirty, whether or not I was married, and how many years I had worked at The Telegraph. Patrolling policemen would nod at me as I walked past them.
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The moustache: A hairy history

But, there are arguably many reasons to completely avoid shaving your balls altogether. We will discuss just a few of those here. Of all the external parts on the male anatomy that naturally grow hair, the testicles are the area that is perhaps the least friendly to getting scraped with a razor. Here are a few reasons why:. If balls were meant to be shaved, they would already come without hair.
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Burdette, Illustrated by R. W E open our eyes in this living world around us, in a wonder land, peopled with dreams, and haunted with wonderful shapes; and every day dawns upon us in a medley of new marvels. We are awakened from these dreams by contact with hard, stubborn facts, not rudely and harshly, but gradually and tenderly. Year after year, the iconoclastic hand of earnest, real life, tears from the lofty pedestals upon which our loving fancy had enshrined them, the gods of gold that crumble into worthless clay at our feet. Adam was too old — when he was born — to care very much about what our grander and more gradually developed civilization considers the crowning facial ornament.
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