For most of my life, my doctor was extremely concerned about my low weight. A lot. I would proudly boast that after a long volleyball practice I could eat two homewrecker burritos from Moes and still have room for chips and queso. I took a trip to the infirmary and when they made me step on the scale I realized that I had put on almost thirty pounds since my freshman year. I started frantically looking back on pictures of myself and the pictures showed that I had changed.
My College Weight Gain: More Than Just the “Freshman 15”
How to Prevent College Weight Gain | POPSUGAR Fitness
From our friends at Self : Taylor gained the freshman 30 in college, and after graduation, she decided to do something about it. Here's how she successfully lost the weight and found a new hobby in the process. I ate whatever I wanted. She wasn't running around burning calories on the field and in the gym, but she was still eating like she always had. Beer, soda, chicken wings, pizza, and chips became diet staples for Staus at college. The more she ate and drank, the less she felt like moving, and the unhealthy cycle continued.
The Freshman 15 is real, and could be a bigger problem than parents or college students realize. Getty Images. Ah, fall. The air turns cooler.
The "Freshman 15" weight gain sounds like a cliche, but weight gain at the start of college is a common and understandable occurrence—and it can be such a physical and emotional ordeal to go through. It has the potential to really mess with your confidence levels, both during college and after the graduation caps have been tossed. Any massive change in routine, environment, lifestyle, or schedule can throw your system for a loop, no matter how fun those changes might be. It's easy to give in to unlimited dining hall portions, free pizza, late-night study snacks, and all that alcohol. So, while you're having the time of your life and taking part in what seems like the normal college experience, the Freshman 15 which is really a catch-all term for any substantial college weight gain, which can be more or less than 15 pounds can completely sneak up on you without you even realizing it.