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By Christian Gollayan. March 15, pm Updated March 15, pm. It is no secret that going to the college in the US is expensive. The matchmaking service, which launched in , requires sugar babies to register with their school emails, so the company combed through its user database to determine which colleges had the most users. Georgia State University in Atlanta nabbed the top spot, with more than 1, students registered as sugar babies. More than of those students signed up in
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When College Students Turn to Sugar Daddies for Financial Aid | Voice of America - English

Are students really dabbling in glorified prostitution to pay their way through college? A college degree, too, is presented as a must-have for professional success, even as the amount of money required to obtain it balloons. The costs of college have skyrocketed over the past 20 years, increasing percent for private colleges and percent for public colleges in-state , much of that growth having occurred since the housing bubble popped in and SLABS - student loan-based asset-backed securities - replaced mortgage-backed securities as the trendy investment du jour for investors looking to capitalize off the desire for the American dream. Indeed, the only people who lose in this scenario are the millions of students who miss out on the life they feel they deserve because their wages are permanently paying off a loan two-thirds of them will come to regret taking out in the first place.
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How to Date a College Sugar Baby

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Making rent was next to impossible, she said, but Bill helped her manage her expenses and finances better. He sent her on exotic trips to Europe and Thailand. They moved in together. He taught me how to get my own car insurance.
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