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Shout out to my amazing personal nurse Carol - earning her best sister points today Annual Mammogram Just ask my friend Donna Rowan Culley about the importance of early detection. Tata check up.
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Ohio Free Mammograms

University Hospitals Breast Health Center provides innovative and personal care aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating benign and malignant breast disease. Our board-certified breast health doctors are recognized as experts in the field, and UH Breast Health Center physicians lead an accredited Breast Center of Excellence designated by the American College of Radiology. Our team specializes in:. Prevention and early detection are the keys to optimizing breast health.
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Breast Center Cleveland Clinic

Our list of breast exam providers in Ohio grows every day. We list clinics and facilities that provide free mamommagram and other diagnostic procedures for women at little or no cost. Provide free mammograms , breast ultrasounds, and education to the community. They fund monies from events they have throughout the year.
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The staff comprises nine physicians who have dedicated their careers to breast imaging through specialized training and experience, and are committed to guiding their patients through every step of the diagnostic process. They understand that news of a questionable finding at a routine examination is highly stressful, and waiting for additional testing causes even more anxiety. Therefore, they try to schedule follow-up testing and even biopsies the same day so that patients can obtain answers as quickly as possible. They also work closely with Cleveland Clinic breast surgeons to plan the best treatment options, when warranted.
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