You'd think it's pretty easy to tell if someone is naked but it turns out that's not always the case, and one woman proved it when she went shopping without any clothes on and no one noticed. Who's wearing the painted clothes? The painted jeans and shirt looked so real, that Maria was able to walk around a mall without anyone realizing she was essentially naked. Shopping "naked" at the mall? It's not Jen's first time painting clothes on women, and each time she does it looks like the real thing. I started body painting 10 years ago as a single mom of 3 young kids.
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Lena Dunham poses nude with body paint on for mother Laurie Simmons
Girls convinced to have a painted body bikini for cash. World Bodypainting Festival. Bodypainted Blonde Chick Masturbates - sexiecams. United We Stand.
By Heidi Parker For Dailymail. Lena Dunham has taken her clothes off for a very special portrait that involved no clothing. The year-old Girls actress posed in nothing but body paint for her mother Laurie Simmons, who is a professional photographer. Lena is seen sitting in a large orange chair that appears to be vintage.