Health benefits of a home nudist

Cherie Lidbury, who lives in Newcastle on the New South Wales coast, says she fell into the nudist lifestyle in her 30s when she was a sales rep on the road and has embraced the concept ever since. Ms Lidbury then met her husband Mark online and one of their first dates was at Swanbourne before they decided they liked being naked so much, they travelled the world together staying in naturist parks and nude accommodation and meeting similar people on nude cruises. While nudists may seem small and far removed group, Ms Lidbury says nudism is actually very common and the community is thriving. We kind of live double lives really.
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Health benefits of nudity

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Is being in the nude healthy for you and your family? - Chatelaine

How many times during this year's super hot and humid summer did you just wish you could strip all of your clothes off to cool down? Well, it turns out being naked may not only be more comfortable but healthier as well. Some experts say that donning your birthday suit more often can help with myriad physical and psychological problems. First, start in a place you're a bit more used to being naked: the bedroom.
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The health benefits of being naked: How stripping down is good for you

Spending more time naked is the stuff of nightmares, particularly those nightmares that involve giving a speech in front of the entire school. Even in the waking world, the idea of wandering around the house naked could make your palms start to sweat. Wearing only your smile may end up putting a bigger grin on your face than you might expect. Various studies have shown how being nude can be good for your physical and mental health.
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