Amy Madigan of Field of Dreams fame taking off her slip to reveal her breasts and a bit of bush as she climbs nude into a bathtub with Tilda Swinton. Amy Madigan of Field of Dreams fame lying topless next to a guy and then on her back showing of her breasts and perky nipples and then sitting up talking to him briefly before lying next to him again from Alamo Bay. Amy Madigan wearing a wet blue shirt with no bra and hard nipples as she walks through the rain and talks to a guy from Alamo Bay. Amy Madigan showing her left breast and buns when she climbs out of bed naked and puts on a robe.
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Amy Madigan is married to man-enough-to-be-bald Ed Harris. She's one of those actor's actors who has been active in theater and cinema for years. That means she's no star, which may have to do with her un-Barbie-like looks.